Rally: Tuesday April 2, 2019 at the RI State House Senate to Protect your Second Amendment Rights

Now it is the Rhode Island Senate's turn to consider empowering criminals while making you and your family as defenseless as possible against an aggressor.  Amid our attempts to spend time with our families and make ends meet, the General Assembly hopes you will give up and not stand up for your obvious, and natural right to keep and bear arms.

“The price of freedom is eternal vigilance.” — Thomas Jefferson

When: Tuesday, April 2nd, any time after 4:00

Where: RI State House (park across the street at RI DOH after 4 PM or at the Providence Place Mall)

Bring 3 of your friends and/or family members!

What: Read about the bills here: http://status.rilin.state.ri.us/documents/agenda-16197.aspx

WEAR YELLOW. We may have shirts but if we do our jobs, we'll run out again.

You DO NOT have to stay the entire night. There will be yellow t-shirts, and pizza/snacks.

The Senate is scheduled to hear all gun bills on Tuesday April 2nd. We need yellow shirts to show up at the statehouse again. We knocked it out of the park a couple weeks ago. Let’s do it again. We ALL NEED TO COME TOGETHER AS ONE.

Please join and support us today

The RI Self Defense Alliance is dedicated to removing from office all enemies of the Second Amendment.

When we are successful, rallies at the State House to preserve our rights will be a thing of the past:


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