Rhode Island Self Defense Alliance announces endorsement Allan Fung Governor




Mike Puyana
RI Self Defense Alliance Spokesman
(401) 552-9799
[email protected]

October 16, 2018


Holding an “A” rating from the National Rifle Association, Mayor Allan Fung stands as a clear and obvious champion of our 2nd Amendment freedoms.  All Rhode Islanders deserve to have their natural, God-given right of self defense protected, and Allan Fung is without question the person best qualified to uphold that right.   The Rhode Island Self Defense Alliance is therefore proud to present our endorsement for Governor of the State of Rhode Island to Cranston Mayor Allan Fung

About the Rhode Island Self Defense Alliance

The Rhode Island Self-Defense Alliance’s sole mission is to remove from office all proven enemies of the Second Amendment in Rhode Island.  We will do this by strict adherence to campaign finance laws so that all contributors are shielded from political retaliation.  We are a wholly voluntary resource sharing among all Second Amendment groups and businesses focused on effective and sustained voter messaging on Second Amendment issues and the Second Amendment disposition of the political class of Rhode Island.  For more information please visit RISelfDefenseAlliance.com or call (401) 552-9799.

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